We are a year-round camping ministry, and it takes many volunteers to help with retreats and camps and do projects to keep camp clean, safe and refreshed! Whether you are handy, can lend a hand or use your hands to wash dishes and help in the kitchen – WE HAVE A PLACE FOR YOU! You can come as an individual or make it a group experience! Volunteers must be at least 14 years old or have an adult chaperone with them.

NOTE: Volunteers that want to work at youth camps/retreats must fill out an application. Do that HERE


Saturday, May 3 & Saturday, September 13, 2025

Plan to join us as we get caught up on projects and maintenance needs around our grounds and in our facilities. There are always many things to get done and we would love to have your help. We plan to start with breakfast at 8:00 am then begin our work by 9:00 am.

Give our facilities director, Josh Jirasek, a call at 218-460-7965 or send him an email at josh@bigsandycamp.org to get more information.


2025 Dates

Jan 10-12 – Grades 6-12
Jan 24-26 – Grades 6-8
Jan 31-Feb 2 – Grades 9-12
Feb 7-9 – Grades 3-6

You can make a BIG difference by volunteering at Avalanche Youth Retreats by washing dishes, kitchen prep, activities and more! We appreciate your donation of time, and will provide you with food, lodging and activities and chapel services as time allows. Sign up today to serve! Make sure you apply first, then email us.

NOTE: Avalanche volunteers need to go through the application process. Do that HERE


2025 Dates

ROOKIE – Grades 2-3, June 29-July 2
EXPLORERS – Grades 3-5, June 29-July 2, July 8-12
ADVENTURERS – Grades 6-8, July 8-12, July 15-19
PATHFINDERS – Grades 9-12, June 17-21
WAKEBOARD – Grades 6-8, July 15-19

You can make a BIG difference by volunteering at our summer camps or family camps by washing dishes, helping with activities, groundskeeping, maintenance, painting, and more! We appreciate your donation of time, and will provide you with food, lodging and activities and chapel services as time allows. Sign up today to serve! Make sure you apply first, then email us.

NOTE: Summer volunteers need to go through the application process. Do that HERE